Umeme Limited

Umeme Ltd is a Uganda-based electricity distribution company.

The Company is engaged in operating, maintaining, upgrading and expanding the distribution network; retailing electricity to its customers, and managing efficiency within the electricity distribution system. The Company offers Yaka!, which is the prepayment system that allows customers to manage and control their electricity. The Company’s service allows users to control and monitor their electricity consumption. It allows users to pay for the amount of Yaka prepaid units users wish to load into their meter. A token of the units requested will be generated from the Company’s system. This token (comprising a 20-digit number) will be given to users. Its Yaka uses a token to recharge the meter with credit energy. When the units are running low, the meter makes a continuous beeping noise to warn users. Users can pay for their Yaka! using TouchPay, which is an electronic payment system.


P.O.Box 23841

