Bamburi Cement Limited

Bamburi Cement Limited is an industrial company in Kenya specialising in cement and concrete.
The company has operations in Bamburi suburb of Mombasa, it’s headquartered in Nairobi and its stock is listed on the Nairobi Securities Exchange.
Bamburi Cement is the largest manufactures of cement in Eastern Africa, with its cement plant in Mombasa being the second largest cement plant in sub-Saharan Africa.
This has given it the title of largest manufacturing export earner in Kenya.
The largest shareholders are Fincem Holding Limited and Kencem Holding Limited which are are subsidiaries of Swiss giant LafargeHolcim. This gives LafargeHolcim 58.6% control of Bamburi Cement.


6th floor,  Kenya Re Towers,
Off Ragati Road, UpperHill,
P.O Box 10921-00100, Nairobi.

