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Kakuzi Limited
Kakuzi Plc engages in a product mix which includes the cultivation, manufacturing and marketing of tea, packing and marketing of avocados, development of macadamia nut orchards, livestock farming, a joint pineapple growing with Del Monte, other horticultural crops and forestry development. Kakuzi ltd operates in two separate locations in Kenya. The main operation and head office is based at Makuyu about 65 Km North East of Nairobi and Nandi Hills about 350 Km North West of Nairobi. Kakuzi is the largest producer of Avocado in East Africa and exports approximately 45% of the total volume from Kenya.
The company has adopted a strategy of continued focus on a mixed agricultural portfolio to mitigate the profit cycle risk to which agriculture has historically been subjected to. Developing macadamia nut production which will add scale and customer service to parent company’s existing operations in Malawi and South Africa is a key strategic thrust. Its core business activities are forestry, production of tea, avocados and macadamia nuts. The company is listed in Nairobi securities exchange and London stock exchange.
P.O. Box 24
Thika 01000