Top Dividend-paying stocks on Nairobi (Kenya) Stock Exchange

At MONEYINAFRICA, we focus our research and analysis on the Nairobi Stocks Exchange (NSE) to make you life easy when you are finding the companies that will make your money work for you. 

It is time for you to decide what dividend paying  company you want to own. 

We have looked at the different dividend yields, dividend cover and payout, to determine the best dividend paying companies on the NSE Kenya – choose the one you want.

For each company there is easy-to-understand analysis to make your due diligence quick but comprehensive. 

Happy Investing!

Kapchorua Tea Company Limited grows tea in Kenya and manufactures and sells tea products under the brand name Williamson Tea. The company also has interests in forestry.

  • ★ Current Dividend Yield: 10.24%
  • ★ Dividend Cover Ratio: 2.74
  • ★ Dividend Payout Ratio: 36.55%
  • ★ Trailing Dividend Yield: 11.3%
Latest Price: 220.00

Crown Paints (Kenya) Limited manufactures and sells a range of paints and adhesives for the home decor, construction and industrial sectors. The company supplies markets in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi, Mozambique, Rwanda, Somali, South Sudan and the DRC.

  • ★ Current Dividend Yield: 10.62%
  • ★ Dividend Cover Ratio: 1.71
  • ★ Dividend Payout Ratio: 58.4%
  • ★ Trailing Dividend Yield: 11.77%
Latest Price: 31.40


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