$163 MILLION: Equity hits 99% in half year profits

$163 MILLION: Equity hits 99% in half year profits

Equity Group Managing Director and CEO, Dr. James Mwangi (centre), Group Director Strategy, Strategic Partnerships and Investor Relations, Brent Malahay (left) and Group Head of Financial and Regulatory Reporting, Mary Nteere (right) discuss the Group’s 2021 Half Year performance during the Group Investor Briefing. Growth in profit after tax of 98% ($163.5 million)

Total Assets growth of 50%

Growth in Deposits of 51% ($7.4 billion)

Growth in Net Loans of 29% ($4.6billion)

Nairobi, Kenya | THE INDEPENDENT | Equity Group Holdings Plc has announced a 98% growth in half year profits to $163.5 million (Kshs.17.9 billion) up from $83.1million (Kshs.9.1) billion the previous year.

Speaking while releasing the results, Equity Group Managing Director and CEO Dr James Mwangi said, “The defensive and offensive strategy adopted by the Group at the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic to create resilience, agility and recovery has been very effective in positioning, navigating and driving performance.”

The offensive growth strategy saw deposits register a 51% growth to $7.4 billion (Kshs.820.3 billion) up from $4.9 billion (Kshs 543.9 billion), while long term borrowed funds grew by 78% to Kshs. 102.3 billion up from Kshs.57.6 billion.

Net Loans and advances grew by 29% to $4.6billion (Kshs.504.8 billion) up from Kshs.391.6 billion, while investment in Government securities grew by 46% to Kshs.315.5 billion up from Kshs.216.4 billion resulting in 50% growth in Total Assets to Kshs.1.12 trillion up from Kshs.746.5 billion.

The aggressive growth strategy effected by the Group resulted into a 33% growth in topline Total Income to Kshs.51.6 billion up from Kshs. 38.7 billon driven by a 26% growth in Net Interest Income of Kshs. 31.2 billion up from Kshs.24.6 billion and a 45% growth in Non-Funded Income of fees, commission and transactions to Kshs.20.4 billion up from Kshs.14.1 billion.

The defensive approach focused on high asset quality, strong capital and liquidity buffers that saw the Group present a strong non-performing loans (NPL) coverage of 92% up from 73% the previous year attributed to a decline in gross non-performing loans by Kshs.1.3 billion from Kshs.61.2 billion to Kshs.59.9 billion. Loan loss provision declined by 66% from Kshs.7.7 billion to Kshs.2.6 billion to register cost of risk of 1.2% down from 4.2%.

Net non- performing loans declined by Kshs. 5.4 billion from Kshs.28.3 billion to Kshs.22.9 billion due to the aggressive provisioning the previous year under the defensive strategy. Of the Kshs. 171 billion Covid-19 restructured loan book, […]

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