Total, Toyota Kenya competition winner to get Hilux single cab

Total, Toyota Kenya competition winner to get Hilux single cab

TotalEnergies Kenya in partnership with Toyota Kenya has launched the second edition of the skill-based competition for motor vehicle mechanics in the country. The initiative which started in 2019 is aimed at equipping mechanics with engine oil knowledge, vehicle diagnostic and servicing skills. Dubbed "QUARTZ Golden Spanner Competition", it is scheduled to run until May […]

Shift to Reliable Energy: EABL to Ditch Expensive Kenya Power Electricity for Solar

Shift to Reliable Energy: EABL to Ditch Expensive Kenya Power Electricity for Solar

Kenya Breweries Limited managing director John Musunga said the company plans to generate its power before 2030 in an ambitious proposal worth KSh 22 billion The MD revealed the brewer had partly switched to using solar energy in its new Kisumu plant Kenya Power has been alarmed by the reduction of power consumption among its […]

Kenya Power On The Spot For Demanding Ksh2.8 Billion For Power Connection

Kenya Power On The Spot For Demanding Ksh2.8 Billion For Power Connection

[PHOTO/ COURTESY] Kenya Power demanded Ksh2.8 billion from businessman Narendra Raval to connect his clinker factory in Emali with electricity, it has emerged. According to reports by the Daily Nation , the connection would have given Kenya Power Ksh200 million every month in power consumption bill. Raval felt that the connection bill was too much, […]