Kisumu Airport to get cargo handling facility

Kisumu Airport to get cargo handling facility

Kisumu International Airport is rapidly transforming into an integral economic hub. When it was elevated to international status about 10 years ago, many did not anticipate the influence it would have on Nyanza’s economy and become the region’s focal point transport and logistics hub.

Today, Kisumu International Airport is rapidly transforming into an integral economic hub in Western Kenya as passenger numbers soar and the number of airlines and flights increase.

And to cash in on the rapid growth, the Kenya Airports Authority (KAA) plans to put up a Sh135 million cargo facility that could drive the export and import trade in the region.

Plans to put up the facility are at an advanced stage even as the authority also fast tracks improvement of the passenger terminals in a bid to revamp the facility. READ MORE

A senior KAA official told The Standard in anonymity that part of the plan is to exploit horticulture export as well as tap into the fishing industry.

A revamped airport with the capacity to handle cargo will be in addition to the Kisumu Port, enhancing the region’s capabilities as a logistical hub.

Although the airport and the revived port supply different supply chains and cannot be easily interlinked, authorities are optimistic a robust airport is capable of enticing investors to visit the region and explore other opportunities including investments in the blue economy.

Leaders from the region, led by Governor Anyang’ Nyong’o and area MP Olago Aluoch wants KAA to expand and improve the waiting bays for passengers. Kisumu Governor Anyang Nyong’o. [David Njaaga, Standard] According to Nyong’o, the VIP section of the facility needs to be expanded in order to accommodate more guests as the facility and the county eye international investors.

“There is need to improve the commercial VIP section. The airport is an important facility for us and provides ease of access to the region due to its strategic positioning,” said Prof Nyong’o.

Next year, the airport will be pivotal as an entry point for over 8,000 guests who will fly to the lakeside for the 9th Africities summit. It will also be among the facilities governor Nyong’o’s administration will be hoping to sell to potential investors during an investors conference planned for December this year.

According to KAA, in the first seven months of the year, passenger numbers at the airport clocked 286,000 despite the challenges brought by the Covid-19 pandemic.Alex Gitari, managing director of KAA said the […]

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