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Author: Andrew Kwabena
Why Invest in Shares
What is a Share Shares, also known as stocks or equities, are the unit of investment in individual companies. A share is simply a divided-up unit of the value of a company. If a company is worth $100 million, and there are 50 million shares in issue, then each share is worth $2. As the overall…
Why Invest in Bonds
What is a Bond Bonds are loans, or IOUs, but you serve as the bank. You loan your money to a company, a city, the government – and they promise to pay you back in full, with regular interest payments. Bonds are bought at a specific price, and offer interest income based on a coupon…
Choosing what to Invest in
What you will learn in this post What is an investment Factors to consider when making an investment How different investments make you money How different investments require varying initial capital How regulation differs among investments Which investments are most volatile and liquid (easy to get your money out) Once you know why you…
Why Invest
What you will learn in this post: How investing makes your money work for you How investing protects your money by beating inflation How investing makes your financial goals easier to achieve How investing helps you build a retirement pot Make your money work for you They are two ways to make money; either…
Is Mugabe Jeopardizing the African Union’s Credibility?
Zimbabwe’s President Robert Mugabe (seated) waits to address the 66th United Nations General Assembly at the U.N. headquarters in New York, September 22, 2011 (Courtesy Reuters/East). This is a guest post by Nathaniel Glidden, intern for the Council on Foreign Relations Africa Studies program. He is currently pursuing a Master’s in International Affairs with concentrations…