May R499m Covid hospital be a lesson for KZN donations

May R499m Covid hospital be a lesson for KZN donations

The R499 million spent on the hospital that was inaccessible to communities happened during the revelations about the PPE scandal.

Health worker seen at the Nasrec Field Hospital for Covid-19, 25 January 2021. Picture: Michel Bega A R499 million health facility is shutting down in Carletonville, Gauteng. The cost of the AngloGold Ashanti covid field hospital ballooned from the initial R50 million to R588 million after the refurbishment plan was changed into an upgrade for a 175-bed hospital. After spending R499 million of the R588 million and treating only 147 patients, the Gauteng health department is shutting it down. And yes, the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) has been looking into the matter and a number of officials are being investigated. The saddest part of this corruption story is not that it happened during the Covid pandemic,…

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