Revealed... become a better investor in the Kenyan shares... for less than the price of nyama choma!

Why You Need MoneyInAfrica

The ultimate source of any investment advantage is information

MoneyInAfrica gives you this investment advantage by providing you with the latest insight and analysis on the Nairobi Stock Exchange at your fingertips.

MoneyInAfrica brings all the information, analysis and insight into one place so that you spend more time deciding if the company deserves your hard earned money.

How MoneyInfrica Helps you

Quickly find the companies in sectors you understand and fit your investment vision

Visual Analysis of Fundamentals

Visual graphs of the companies fundamentals e.g. profits, sales, cashflows over last 5+ years. No longer need to wonder if a good profits this year is a one-off or a trend

Compare Fundamentals

Compare visually fundamentals between different companies. 

Un-decided between two companies, compare their financial performance in seconds


Create a watchlist of the companies that you are interested in.

No need to continue checking the papers or the internet to find out if a company is at your desired price. Set the price and we will notify while you continue to live your best life

Economic Calendar

Ever missed out on a dividend book closure. Not again when you use the Economic Calendar. The key events are in one place and you can easily add them to your personal Calendar

Would you trade this power as an investor for a plate of Mbuzi Choma?

This is not a joke, all the features above are available for less than the price of a plate of good Mbuzi Choma. 

With all the information, analysis and insight that you will get from the MoneyInAfrica platform, you could find the shares that will pay for your Mbuzi Choma for many years to come. 

The bottom line we are giving you a sweet deal to further your success as an investor, and to sweeten the pot, we are throwing in a 7-day free trial.

Get instant access to MONEYINAFRICA now!

Don't miss out on this chance today to speed up the process of finding the best shares on the Nairobi Stock Exchange

MoneyInAfrica Platform

What your fellow users are saying:

What I have been looking for a long time. No more time being wasted hunting down company pdfs, developing my own Excel analysis. MoneyInAfrica provides all in one place and easy to use


The analysis is so easy to understand that it made sense to my Standard 6 nephew. The fact that MoneyInAfrica also has the CEO and Chairman's statement separate makes it easy to stop any ku ni vako...


How much does it cost?


cheaper than a Mbuzi Choma     






  • Investment Screener
  • Watchlist
  • Company Analysis
  • Treasury Bill/Bond Analysis
  • Economic Calendar


cheaper than first class SGR to Mombasa every month      






  • Investment Screener
  • Watchlist
  • Company Analysis
  • Treasury Bill/Bond Analysis
  • Economic Calendar
  • Share Price Alerts

Don't worry about paying it yet, try it out for free first to see the power of the MoneyInAfrica then start to pay for continued access.

The Best Time to start finding the best shares on the NSE is Now!

MoneyInAfrica gives you tools to find, analyse and track the best investments on the Nairobi Securities Exchange. 

Start using them today to make your money work as hard as you work for it.

MoneyInAfrica - Buy Now

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I buy shares on the Nairobi Securities Exchange?

The fastest way is to sign up with broker on the NSE. If you have a KRA ID then it can all be done online. If not you will have to email the broker your government issued ID and passport photos.

Once you are registered broker, you will be to start buying shares via their app or online portal. 

Funds to invest can be sent to the brokers by M-Pesa or bank transfer.

Our list of official brokers

What shares should I buy today?

In summary, the shares of companies you understand.

If you don't invest in a company you understand, it is akin to gambling just with less excitement. 

If you understand banking buy banks, if you understand farming buy agriculture shares e.t.c. 

We can't tell you the best shares for you but we give you guidance on how to pick good shares 

7 questions you must ask before you buy a share on Nairobi Stock Exchange

Where do I get the latest share prices on the Nairobi Securities Exchange?

For shares on the Nairobi Securities Exchange, start here

Shares - Kenya

What do I need to know before I buy a share?

If you can answer the following seven questions about a company then you have enough information to buy that share

  • Do I understand how this company makes money?
  • Do I know and trust the people running this company?
  • Do I know who I am investing with i.e. fellow shareholders?
  • Does this company make money?
  • Has the company made money for investors?
  • Is the company financially stable?
  • How is management increasing the company's value? 

Check out this great article on how to answer these questions

What companies are listed on the Nairobi Securities Exchange

They are so many great companies listed on the Nairobi Securities Exchange. 

Find the full list here:

NSE Kenya Listed Companies

How can I pay for MoneyInAfrica?

An investment in knowledge yields the best returns - Benjamin Franklin (the one on $100 note)

Subscribing to the MoneyInAfrica platform is a great way to enhance your knowledge as an investor. 

You can pay for your subscription using

  • Mobile Money
  • Paypal
  • Credit/Debit card

© 2025, MoneyInAfrica
