Kenya’s women entrepreneurs held back from corporate procurement–IFC Study

Kenya’s women entrepreneurs held back from corporate procurement–IFC Study

Traders sell vegetables during a market day at Daraja Mbili. /FILE Women-owned businesses in Kenya face structural barriers that limit their ability to secure contracts with large companies for growth, according to a study by the International Finance Corporation(IFC). Commissioned as part of IFC’s wider efforts to connect women entrepreneurs to new markets, the study […]

KenGen forced to modify hydropower projects to adapt to climate change

KenGen forced to modify hydropower projects to adapt to climate change

Ken- Gen Chief Energy Planner Willis Ochieng’ during an interview with The Standard on June 17, 2021. Kenya Electricity Generating Company (KenGen) is on course to modify their hydropower projects to make them resilient to changes in climate. The modifications include increasing the number of turbines or the storage capacity of the dams. The company, […]

Kenya Utility Joins Global Emissions Project, Plans Carbon Trade

Kenya Utility Joins Global Emissions Project, Plans Carbon Trade

Kenya Electricity Generating Co. , Africa’s largest geothermal producer, joined a United Nations-backed emissions-reduction program as it looks to begin a domestic carbon market. KenGen, as the state-run company is known, announced its participation in the Business Ambition for 1.5°C program on Wednesday. Under the project, the company commits to emission-reduction targets through investments in […]

KenGen joins universal campaign against global warming

KenGen joins universal campaign against global warming

•The campaign dubbed ‘Business Ambition for 1.50C’, is backed by a global coalition of the United Nations leaders, business organisations and Non-Governmental Organizations. •By joining the campaign, KenGen commits to annually disclose its Greenhouse Gas emissions as a way of checking and reducing its carbon footprint. Ken Gen Managing Director and CEO, Rebecca Miano The […]