Brand South Africa has lost its shine over new bout of xenophobic attacks

From a position of strength, post-apartheid South Africa has steadily lost its shine. South Africa has lost much of its regional lustre. BRAND South Africa is desperately mounting a fightback after a week of horrific xenophobic attacks mainly aimed at African nationals left its reputation sullied and Pretoria grappling with a major backlash from the rest of […]

Reprisal attacks against South African have started in other countries. Eye for an eye will keep us as the dark continent!

A demonstration against migrant workers outside a hostel in Johannesburg. Photograph: Marco Longari/Getty South Africa is facing a backlash from the rest of the continent over the targeting of immigrants in a wave of xenophobic violence. South African vehicles were pelted with stones in Mozambique on Friday and South African companies are reportedly being threatened […]