Ecobank supports creative industry

Ecobank Nigeria has reiterated its support for the creative industry.

Speaking during the Adire Initiative programme, Managing Director, Ecobank Nigeria, Bolaji Lawal said the bank identifies adire as a key driver of tourism, culture and the creative industry and that supporting the industry would further empower the youth, women, micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and business groups in Ogun State.

Represented by Head of Agency Banking, Nike Kolawole, Lawal stated that Ecobank will continue to stand by the women of Ogun and Nigeria, particularly the indigenous ones, who produce adire fabric to enable them flourish.

“Ecobank will stand by you and we will always be there to provide you the right support you need to succeed,” she said.

Over 100 exhibitors, who included traders, fashion designers, models and other players in the adire industry displayed their products at the fair. The event also attracted wives of some governors, female dignitaries, politicians, business leaders and corporate top shots.

Also, the wife of Ogun State Governor, Mrs. Bamidele Abiodun, lamented the activities of counterfeiters of “adire” fabric, urging the regulatory agencies to address the menace.

She lauded Ecobank for supporting the Adire Market Week, which held in Abeokuta, the state capital.

Mrs. Abiodun, whose office, in conjunction with the Ajose Foundation, organised the Week, noted that counterfeiting was affecting the industry.

“Foreign manufacturers, aided by Nigerian middlemen, carry off original, hand-made adire designs from Nigeria, mass produce them and then sell them cheaply in the markets. The effects of this are that makers of the authentic adire are never able to compete with the cheap print alternatives.

She added: “An industry that employs tens of thousands of Nigerians across the entire value chain is in dilemma. While many have cut back on production, others have considered abandoning the trade altogether, even though it has been in their families for generations.”

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