Minister Of Sanitation And Water Resources Hon. Abena Dapaah Expresses Gratitude To Unilever Ghana

Hon. Abena Dapaah Minister of Sanitation and Water Resources, Hon. Madam Cecilia Abena Dapaah has acknowledged Unilever for their surprise package of detergents to support in keeping the nation of Ghana clean and free of the coronavirus. She commended One on One Foundation and their director, Olla Williams for their contribution in creating awareness on […]

Schools Sanitation Inspection Tour Programme To Attract More Supply Of Domestos And Vim

Schools Sanitation Inspection Tour As the scare of the CoronaVirus now poses to be an important international and national health problem, political front runners, heads of states and government leaders are trying to find solutions. But for the initiator of the Schools Sanitation Inspection Tour programme, Emmanuel Olla Williams CEO of One on One Foundation […]